Utils and Macros
Currently, CrabRolls internally uses some self-defined macros and utilities to help you with the development of your dApp and the interactions. This page will show you all of them and how to use them.
A collection of modules that provide utility functions and types.
The abi
module provides functions to encode and decode data according to the Ethereum ABI specification, simplifying the interaction with Ethereum smart contracts, for example, on using the send_voucher
This module is further organized into several sub-modules, each serving specific purposes related to ABI handling:
The extract
sub-module provides helper functions to extract specific types from ethabi::Token
address(arg: ðabi::Token) -> Result<Address, Box<dyn Error>>
Extracts an Ethereum address from a
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let token = Token::Address(address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"));let extracted_address = abi::extract::address(&token).expect("Failed to extract address"); -
uint(arg: ðabi::Token) -> Result<Uint, Box<dyn Error>>
Extracts a
from aToken
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let token = Token::Uint(uint!(100u32));let extracted_uint = abi::extract::uint(&token).expect("Failed to extract uint"); -
int(arg: ðabi::Token) -> Result<Uint, Box<dyn Error>>
Extracts an
from aToken
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let token = Token::Int(uint!(100i32));let extracted_int = abi::extract::int(&token).expect("Failed to extract int"); -
bool(arg: ðabi::Token) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn Error>>
Extracts a boolean value from a
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let token = Token::Bool(true);let extracted_bool = abi::extract::bool(&token).expect("Failed to extract bool"); -
string(arg: ðabi::Token) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>>
Extracts a
from aToken
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let token = Token::String("Hello, CrabRolls!".to_string());let extracted_string = abi::extract::string(&token).expect("Failed to extract string"); -
bytes(arg: ðabi::Token) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Extracts a byte vector from a
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let token = Token::Bytes(vec![0x01, 0x02, 0x03]);let extracted_bytes = abi::extract::bytes(&token).expect("Failed to extract bytes"); -
array_of_address(arg: ðabi::Token) -> Result<Vec<Address>, Box<dyn Error>>
Extracts an array of Ethereum addresses from a
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let addresses = vec![Token::Address(address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")),Token::Address(address!("0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321")),];let token = Token::Array(addresses);let extracted_addresses = abi::extract::array_of_address(&token).expect("Failed to extract array of addresses"); -
array_of_uint(arg: ðabi::Token) -> Result<Vec<Uint>, Box<dyn Error>>
Extracts an array of
values from aToken
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let uints = vec![Token::Uint(uint!(100u32)),Token::Uint(uint!(200u32)),];let token = Token::Array(uints);let extracted_uints = abi::extract::array_of_uint(&token).expect("Failed to extract array of uints"); -
array_of_bool(arg: ðabi::Token) -> Result<Vec<bool>, Box<dyn Error>>
Extracts an array of boolean values from a
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let bools = vec![Token::Bool(true), Token::Bool(false)];let token = Token::Array(bools);let extracted_bools = abi::extract::array_of_bool(&token).expect("Failed to extract array of bools");
The utils
sub-module provides utility functions related to the size calculation of packed tokens.
size_of_packed_token(token: &Token) -> usize
Calculates the size (in bytes) of a single packed
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let token = Token::Address(address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"));let size = abi::utils::size_of_packed_token(&token);println!("Size of packed token: {} bytes", size); -
size_of_packed_tokens(tokens: &[Token]) -> usize
Calculates the total size (in bytes) of multiple packed
instances.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let tokens = vec![Token::Address(address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")),Token::Uint(uint!(100u32)),];let total_size = abi::utils::size_of_packed_tokens(&tokens);println!("Total size of packed tokens: {} bytes", total_size);
The encode
sub-module provides functions to encode data into ABI format.
function_call(abi_json: &str, function_name: &str, params: Vec<Token>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes a function call with the given ABI JSON, function name, and parameters.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::{Token, Uint};use crabrolls::prelude::*;let abi_json = r#"[{"name": "transfer","inputs": [{"internalType": "address","name": "to","type": "address"},{"internalType": "uint256","name": "value","type": "uint256"}],"outputs": [],"type": "function"}]"#;let function_name = "transfer";let address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let value = uint!(1000u32);let params = vec![Token::Address(address), Token::Uint(value)];let encoded_data = abi::encode::function_call(abi_json, function_name, params).expect("Failed to encode function call"); -
abi(tokens: &[Token]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes a list of
instances according to the ABI specification.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Token;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let tokens = vec![Token::Address(address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")),Token::Uint(uint!(1000u32)),];let encoded_data = abi::encode::abi(&tokens).expect("Failed to encode tokens"); -
pack(tokens: &[Token]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Packs a list of
instances into a byte vector without length prefixing, suitable for certain use-cases like event data.Usage Example:
use ethabi::{Token, Uint};use crabrolls::prelude::*;let tokens = vec![Token::Address(address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")),Token::Uint(uint!(1000u32)),];let packed_data = abi::encode::pack(&tokens).expect("Failed to pack tokens");
The decode
sub-module provides functions to decode ABI-encoded data.
abi(params: &[ParamType], payload: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Box<dyn Error>>
Decodes ABI-encoded data given the expected parameter types.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::{ParamType, Token};use crabrolls::prelude::*;let payload = hex::decode("000000000000000000000000123456789012345678901234567890123456789000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e8").expect("Decoding failed");let params = &[ParamType::Address, ParamType::Uint(256)];let tokens = decode::abi(params, &payload).expect("Failed to decode payload"); -
pack(params: &[ParamType], payload: &[u8]) -> Result<(Vec<Token>, Vec<u8>), Box<dyn Error>>
Decodes packed data (without length prefixing) given the expected parameter types, returning the decoded tokens and any remaining payload.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::{ParamType, Token};use crabrolls::prelude::*;let payload = hex::decode("f39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb922660000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064").expect("Decoding failed");let params = &[ParamType::Address, ParamType::Uint(256)];let (tokens, remaining_payload) = decode::pack(params, &payload).expect("Failed to decode packed payload");
The ether
sub-module provides functions specific to handling Ether (the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum) deposits and withdrawals.
deposit(payload: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Box<dyn Error>>
Decodes the payload of an Ether deposit, returning the decoded tokens.
Usage Example:
use crabrolls::prelude::*;let payload = hex::decode("f39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064").expect("Decoding failed");let tokens = ether::deposit(payload).expect("Failed to decode Ether deposit payload"); -
deposit_payload(address: Address, value: Uint) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes the payload for an Ether deposit.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let value = uint!(100u32);let payload = ether::deposit_payload(address, value).expect("Failed to encode Ether deposit payload"); -
withdraw(address: Address, value: Uint) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes a function call to withdraw Ether to a specified address.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let value = uint!(100u32);let function_call = ether::withdraw(address, value).expect("Failed to encode Ether withdrawal function call");
The erc20
sub-module provides functions specific to handling ERC-20 token deposits and withdrawals.
deposit(payload: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Box<dyn Error>>
Decodes the payload of an ERC-20 token deposit.
Usage Example:
use crabrolls::prelude::*;let payload = /* ERC-20 deposit payload as Vec<u8> */;let tokens = erc20::deposit(payload).expect("Failed to decode ERC-20 deposit payload"); -
deposit_payload(wallet_address: Address, token_address: Address, value: Uint) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes the payload for an ERC-20 token deposit.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let wallet_address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let token_address = address!("0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321");let value = uint!(1000u32);let payload = erc20::deposit_payload(wallet_address, token_address, value).expect("Failed to encode ERC-20 deposit payload"); -
withdraw(address: Address, value: Uint) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes a function call to withdraw ERC-20 tokens to a specified address.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let value = uint!(1000u32);let function_call = erc20::withdraw(address, value).expect("Failed to encode ERC-20 withdrawal function call");
The erc721
sub-module provides functions specific to handling ERC-721 token deposits and withdrawals.
deposit(payload: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Box<dyn Error>>
Decodes the payload of an ERC-721 token deposit.
Usage Example:
use crabrolls::prelude::*;let payload = /* ERC-721 deposit payload as Vec<u8> */;let tokens = erc721::deposit(payload).expect("Failed to decode ERC-721 deposit payload"); -
deposit_payload(wallet_address: Address, token_address: Address, token_id: Uint) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes the payload for an ERC-721 token deposit.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let wallet_address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let token_address = address!("0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321");let token_id = uint!(12345u32);let payload = erc721::deposit_payload(wallet_address, token_address, token_id).expect("Failed to encode ERC-721 deposit payload"); -
withdraw(dapp_address: Address, address: Address, token_id: Uint) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes a function call to withdraw an ERC-721 token to a specified address.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let dapp_address = address!("0xDAppAddress123456789012345678901234567890");let address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let token_id = uint!(12345u32);let function_call = erc721::withdraw(dapp_address, address, token_id).expect("Failed to encode ERC-721 withdrawal function call");
The erc1155
sub-module provides functions specific to handling ERC-1155 token deposits and withdrawals.
single_deposit(payload: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Box<dyn Error>>
Decodes the payload of a single ERC-1155 token deposit.
Usage Example:
use crabrolls::prelude::*;let payload = /* Single ERC-1155 deposit payload as Vec<u8> */;let tokens = erc1155::single_deposit(payload).expect("Failed to decode single ERC-1155 deposit payload"); -
batch_deposit(payload: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Box<dyn Error>>
Decodes the payload of a batch ERC-1155 token deposit.
Usage Example:
use crabrolls::prelude::*;let payload = /* Batch ERC-1155 deposit payload as Vec<u8> */;let tokens = erc1155::batch_deposit(payload).expect("Failed to decode batch ERC-1155 deposit payload"); -
single_deposit_payload(wallet_address: Address, token_address: Address, token_id: Uint, amount: Uint) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes the payload for a single ERC-1155 token deposit.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let wallet_address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let token_address = address!("0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321");let token_id = uint!(12345u32);let amount = uint!(10u32);let payload = erc1155::single_deposit_payload(wallet_address, token_address, token_id, amount).expect("Failed to encode single ERC-1155 deposit payload"); -
batch_deposit_payload(wallet_address: Address, token_address: Address, ids_amounts: Vec<(Uint, Uint)>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes the payload for a batch ERC-1155 token deposit.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let wallet_address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let token_address = address!("0x0987654321098765432109876543210987654321");let ids_amounts = vec![(uint!(12345u32), uint!(10u32)),(uint!(67890u32), uint!(20u32)),];let payload = erc1155::batch_deposit_payload(wallet_address, token_address, ids_amounts).expect("Failed to encode batch ERC-1155 deposit payload"); -
single_withdraw(dapp_address: Address, address: Address, token_id: Uint, amount: Uint, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes a function call to withdraw a single ERC-1155 token to a specified address.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let dapp_address = address!("0xDAppAddress123456789012345678901234567890");let address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let token_id = uint!(12345u32);let amount = uint!(10u32);let data = vec![];let function_call = erc1155::single_withdraw(dapp_address, address, token_id, amount, data).expect("Failed to encode single ERC-1155 withdrawal function call"); -
batch_withdraw(dapp_address: Address, address: Address, withdrawals: Vec<(Uint, Uint)>, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn Error>>
Encodes a function call to withdraw multiple ERC-1155 tokens to a specified address.
Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let dapp_address = address!("0xDAppAddress123456789012345678901234567890");let address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");let withdrawals = vec![(uint!(12345u32), uint!(10u32)),(uint!(67890u32), uint!(20u32)),];let data = vec![];let function_call = erc1155::batch_withdraw(dapp_address, address, withdrawals, data).expect("Failed to encode batch ERC-1155 withdrawal function call");
The units
module provides functions to convert between Wei, Ether, and Gwei. These conversions are essential for interacting with Ethereum smart contracts and managing Ethereum-based assets.
The module is further organized into several sub-modules, each serving specific purposes related to unit conversion:
to_ether(wei: Uint) -> f64
Converts a value in Wei to Ether. Wei is the smallest denomination of Ether, and this function performs the conversion by dividing the Wei value by
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let wei_value = uint!(1_000_000_000_000_000_000u64); // 1 Etherlet ether_value = wei::to_ether(wei_value);println!("Ether value: {}", ether_value); // Output: 1.0 -
from_ether(ether: f64) -> Uint
Converts a value in Ether to Wei. This function multiplies the Ether value by
to get the corresponding Wei value.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let ether_value = 1.0; // 1 Etherlet wei_value = wei::from_ether(ether_value);println!("Wei value: {}", wei_value); // Output: 1000000000000000000 -
to_gwei(wei: Uint) -> f64
Converts a value in Wei to Gwei. Gwei is a common denomination used in Ethereum transactions, and this function performs the conversion by dividing the Wei value by
.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let wei_value = uint!(1_000_000_000u64); // 1 Gweilet gwei_value = wei::to_gwei(wei_value);println!("Gwei value: {}", gwei_value); // Output: 1.0 -
from_gwei(gwei: f64) -> Uint
Converts a value in Gwei to Wei. This function multiplies the Gwei value by
to get the corresponding Wei value.Usage Example:
use ethabi::Uint;use crabrolls::prelude::*;let gwei_value = 1.0; // 1 Gweilet wei_value = wei::from_gwei(gwei_value);println!("Wei value: {}", wei_value); // Output: 1000000000
CrabRolls provides several macros to simplify the interaction and the development of dApps.
The address!
macro simplifies the creation of an Ethereum Address
type from a string literal.
Usage Example:
use crabrolls::prelude::*;use ethabi::Address;
// Equivalent to Address::from_str("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890").unwrap()let address = address!("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890");
The uint!
macro simplifies the creation of an Ethereum Uint
type from a numeric literal.
Usage Example:
use crabrolls::prelude::*;use ethabi::Uint;
// Equivalent to Uint::from(100u32)let uint = uint!(100u32);